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Knee Injuries Overview


At Mattalino Orthopedics, we offer a variety of procedures to strengthen the well-being of the knees and alleviate discomfort from injury. Explore our procedural options below!

Angelo Mattalino, MD is led by Dr. Mattalino who is a renowned orthopedic surgeon who strives to improve the wellness of all of his patients. Dr. Mattalino and his expert medical staff welcome patients from all areas. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out how we can restore a healthier and improved quality of living!

What services do we offer to treat knee injuries?

Knee Arthroscopy

A knee arthroscopy is an ideal procedure for a joint complication. By using a thin camera called an “arthroscope”, allows us to see inside the joints in the knee. A very small opening is made which the arthroscope is inserted. This advanced technology is able to send images of the inside of the joint for us to closely examine what may be the cause of discomfort.

Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy

In each of our knees are two menisci, which are cushions of cartilage that act as “shock absorbers”. If one of these are damaged, a partial meniscectomy may be necessary to extract any parts that are damaged.

Meniscus Repair

Each of the joints in the knees is cushioned by two c-shaped wedges of cartilage. Both of these cushions are known as menisci, but the singular is called a meniscus. A meniscus can tear as the result of a specific motion, such as twisting the knee. Torn menisci can be corrected after an arthroscopic surgery.

Arthroscopic Chondroplasty

This method of knee repair is used to extract injured cartilage so that healthier cartilage can replace it. Through tiny incisions, an arthroscope is inserted into the side of the knee to help properly locate the affected tissue for precise removal.

Arthroscopic Microfracture Procedure

Arthroscopic microfracture procedure can heal damaged cartilage in the joints of the knee. In this procedure, tiny holes are carefully drilled into the base of the afflicted site. As a result, the production of healthier “scar” cartilage will replace the unhealthy tissue.

Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction

The center of the knee is known as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) which helps connect the femur to the tibia. In the event that this ligament is torn, normal knee functionality can be compromised. Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction can help restore healthy knee function to improve your quality of life.

Knee Arthroscopic Loose Body Removal

It is possible that a portion of bone, cartilage or otherwise can break off and rattle around within the knee. Through this minimally-invasive procedure, any debris, more commonly broken off pieces of bone or tissue, found between the joints of the knee can be carefully and safely removed.

Visco-Supplementation for Arthritis of the Knee

Visco-supplementation is a non-surgical procedure that can alleviate some discomfort caused by arthritis. This gel-like solution in administered into the joint of the knee to replace the synovial fluid that provides a cushioning for the knee.

PRP injections

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical treatment that can remedy discomfort from most cases of joint pain. A blood sample from the patient is taken and spun in a centrifuge. As the sample is spinning, blood plasma bonds with various other growth factors to form PRP. PRP is instilled into the injured joint to which it can repair the joint on a cellular level.

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Machine

The CPM is a technologically advanced mode of therapy that can assist in flexion of the knee. Without using any of your own muscles, the CPM can gently move the injured knee to promote joint wellness.

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