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What Surgeries Are Considered Sports Medicine?

At Mattalino Orthopaedic in Phoenix, AZ, we provide surgical intervention and comprehensive care for athlete and non-athlete-related knee, shoulder, and elbow injuries. Our sports medicine doctor, Dr. Matillo, is here to provide you with personalized care and help you on the road to recovery. Below, we will explore the various surgeries considered under the sports medicine umbrella.

Surgeries Performed by a Phoenix, AZ, Sports Medicine Doctor

A sports medicine doctor performs surgical treatment of orthopedic injuries. At Mattalino Orthopaedic in Phoenix, AZ, our sports medicine physician specializes in the musculoskeletal system, allowing him to diagnose and treat various injuries that occur during physical activity of any kind, not only sports. Depending on the severity of the injury, he may perform open or minimally invasive surgery, joint replacements, and reconstructive surgeries.

Arthroscopic Surgery

The most common sports medicine procedures are knee and shoulder arthroscopic surgeries. During arthroscopic surgery, a tiny camera is inserted into the specified joint to view on a monitor for our team of medical experts to evaluate and surgically correct. Compared to open surgeries, arthroscopy is less invasive, requiring smaller incisions. As a result, it has a shorter recovery period.

Arthroscopy is recommended when there is articular tissue inflammation, treatment of an infection, improving complications, and in many cases when pain is not relieved with non-surgical treatments. After the procedure, physical therapy is recommended to restore your range of motion and strength.

For Shoulder Injuries

Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is an effective surgery for repairing torn rotator cuff tendons. It helps restore strength and range of motion to the shoulder. Although recovery is typically nine months, the first six to eight weeks are spent in critical healing. The tendon heals in the first few weeks as it attaches to the bone. Rest is critical to ensure proper recovery, which means no lifting, reaching, pushing, or anything that strains the shoulder.

Arthroscopic SLAP Repair

Superior labrum anterior to posterior, or SLAP for short, is a shoulder tear affecting the cartilage’s rim surrounding the shoulder socket. Pain is often the first symptom of a SLAP tear, but you may also experience clicking in the shoulder, inability to raise your arm, trouble throwing, and loss of strength.

An arthroscopic SLAP repair is a minimally invasive surgery to repair this tear and restore motion and strength to the shoulder. But, again, rest is key during recovery, as it takes 8-10 weeks for the repaired labrum to heal completely.

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic bankart repair is a minimally invasive surgery performed by an orthopedic surgeon, which helps repair tears in the glenoid labrum. The labrum tendon connects the shoulder to the humerus and allows for a good range of motion. The procedure is performed with a scope inserted through small incisions in the shoulder. The tiny camera allows the surgeon to view the inside of the joint and repair the torn labrum.

The bankart repair procedure helps decrease the likelihood of shoulder dislocations by restoring joint stability and reducing pain. Therefore, it is often performed after other non-surgical treatments have been exhausted. Chronic shoulder instability or pain due to repeated dislocations usually indicates arthroscopic bankart repair is necessary.

Arthroscopic Shoulder Impingement Surgery

Subacromial decompression, or subacromial impingement, is a pain felt when tendons rub against the acromion(shoulder blade). Anesthesia is used during the surgery as the surgeon inserts a tiny camera into your shoulder to visualize and assess your acromion bone and joints. Then, the bone is reshaped to allow your tendons more room to move, giving you more range of motion without pain.

For Knee Injuries

Meniscus Repair

Meniscus repair surgery is a procedure to help provide cushion for the knee joints, as well as improve mobility and stability. Meniscus repair is performed on a torn meniscus with either a partial or total meniscectomy. We will discuss your surgery options based on the tear’s size and location.

After undergoing a meniscus repair, minimum movement is recommended for two weeks afterward to allow adequate time for recovery. The repair can help reduce pain and improve overall knee health with the proper care and instructions provided by the physician.

Partial Meniscectomy

A partial meniscectomy may be ideal for a torn meniscus, depending on the tear’s size and location. During a partial meniscectomy, our sports medicine doctor will use an arthroscope camera on a thin tube to see inside the knee joint. Then, surgical instruments are used after inspecting the joint to extract any damaged meniscus parts.

Knee discomfort or swelling may indicate the need to be evaluated for a partial meniscectomy. Contact us at Mattalino Orthopaedic in Phoenix, AZ, to determine if you need further surgical consultation. Our physicians can answer any questions and discuss the best treatment options.


A chondroplasty repairs and extracts damaged cartilage in the knee from moderate wear and tear. Our orthopedic surgeon completes a chondroplasty with an arthroscope and small incisions to insert the scope and surgical tools.

A special fluid is administered to the area to make it easier to see the cartilage. During the surgery, there is the removal of cartilage, smoothing of the site, draining of the fluid, and the incisions are closed. As a result, healthy cartilage starts to grow in the area over time.

Microfracture Procedure

A microfracture procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that helps replace damaged cartilage. During the surgical process, tiny holes are created in bones with surgical instruments, creating new cartilage by releasing new cells. Joint pain and discomfort are symptoms of damaged cartilage. A microfracture procedure can improve mobility and pain.

Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction

An anterior cruciate ligament, often called ACL, is often torn when bending or twisting the knee resulting in swelling and weakness. A reconstruction of the ACL uses grafts from a healthy part of the body to replace the torn ligament. In addition, an arthroscope is used in ACL surgeries to allow for more precision during reconstruction and to reduce risks associated with open surgery.

Loose Body Removal

Arthroscopic loose body removal surgery is the removal of debris that is floating within the joint causing pain. Some types of debris include tissue, bone fragments, or cartilage. The surgery is an outpatient procedure where an arthroscope camera is used to visualize the joint while a grasping instrument removes the debris. Healing takes a few weeks after a loose body removal.

Benefits of Visiting an Orthopedic Physician

Preventative Care and Injury Prevention

Preventative care focuses on measures to avoid illness or injury. With a consultation, we can help identify potential musculoskeletal issues before they become serious problems. In addition, preventive measures and noninvasive treatment methods can help reduce the risk of joint injury or discomfort.

Musculoskeletal Education

Sports medicine doctors are knowledgeable and can provide essential information to help you heal or manage your specific condition. Dr. Mattalino is a well-rounded orthopedic surgeon at Mattalino Orthopaedic, with accolades extending from his private surgery practice to his role as an orthopedic consultant for the Major League Baseball and USA Baseball teams.

Dr. Mattalino is passionate about helping patients understand the causes of musculoskeletal issues, the treatments available, and how to avoid them in future situations. In addition, he offers extensive education on topics such as regenerative medicine therapy and OrthoBiologics.

Regenerative Medicine Therapy

In addition to traditional treatments or orthopedic surgeries, regenerative medicine offers a way for patients suffering from joint pain to find relief. An orthopedic physician can help you navigate the use of regenerative medicine to stimulate healing processes in the body.

These treatments promote natural healing by helping the body repair itself. For example, regenerative medicine may include platelet-rich plasma, where plasma is extracted from your blood and injected into the affected area. In addition, viscosupplementation is another form of regenerative therapy using hyaluronic acid injections to reduce joint pain and swelling.

Schedule a Sports Medicine Consultation

A sports medicine doctor is trained to care for all people experiencing musculoskeletal pain and injuries. A minimally invasive surgery could be an option to help you get back to the activities you love.

Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Angelo Mattalino and his experienced staff are dedicated to providing the highest quality care for your orthopedic needs. We can help you decide if surgical intervention is right for you so you can resume a life full of strength and activity. Call Mattalino Orthopaedic in Phoenix, AZ, today to schedule a consultation. 

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