When your doctor tells you that they feel you need to visit an orthopedic surgeon, it’s natural to have a feeling of anxiety. The idea of needing to undergo a surgical procedure is not one that most people want to think about. These surgical procedures are designed to correct problems on the innermost parts of your body. When done correctly, they can restore function and help you live a life without pain. In order to accomplish this goal, you need to take the time to do research when choosing the right orthopedic care in Phoenix.
As with anything in life, the best place to start is with referrals. Your primary care doctor likely gave you this referral, or you received a referral from a friend or family member. These are good sources to start the search. From there, you want to take the time to learn about the surgeons who are going to be performing your procedures. Learn about their credentials, learn about their education, and learn about their experience. Then take the time to actually schedule an appointment and interview the orthopedic surgeon you are considering using.
A lot of people feel overwhelmed at the idea of interviewing their surgeon. But you have to remember that your surgeon is not performing procedures on you as a favor. You are going to pay the doctor for this procedure. You are going to be left dealing with the aftermath of this procedure. You would interview a roofer before they did work on your home. So it only stands to reason that you would take the time to interview an orthopedic surgeon before you allowed them to make permanent alterations to your body.
Just because an orthopedic surgeon is good does not mean that they are the right one for you. Orthopedic surgery is a complex field of medicine. An orthopedic surgeon can work on a number of orthopedic issues that you have. You want to know how frequently the surgeon you’re going to use has performed the procedure that you need to have done. If you need work done on your knees, for example, you do not want to visit an surgeon who focuses primarily on the elbows. You want one who is performing your type of knee surgery regularly.
There are a number of orthopedic surgeons in Phoenix, but you know that not just any surgeon will do. That’s why you are determined to take the time to do research so that you can choose the right orthopedic care in Phoenix. Contact us today at Angelo Mattalino, MD and schedule your consultation to learn more.