When you are suffering from pain or discomfort, it is impossible to bring 100 percent of yourself to the game. Playing with an untreated injury puts you at risk for damaging your body further. Without professional insight, there is no way for you to determine where your limitations should be. Dr. Mattalino at Angelo Mattalino, MD in Phoenix is an extremely experienced and diverse sports orthopedic specialist in Arizona.
Signs You May Need to See a Sports Orthopedic Specialist
Shoulder Pain
If you play sports, have played them in the past, or are an active person, it is likely your labrum has suffered some damage. This is especially true for people who engage in contact sports or activities that require overhead arm motion. The labrum lines the joint of your shoulder. It is a ring of cartilage essential to healthy motor function. When the labrum is damaged, you will feel pain in the front of your shoulder, and motions like raising your arm above your head will be difficult. You need to see a sports orthopedic specialist in Arizona.
Injury to the labrum is almost inevitable because it is difficult to prevent. Severe cases may require surgical correction. However, more mild cases respond well to physical therapy. It can be used to strengthen the muscles adjacent to the tear.
Head and Neck Pain
Pain and stiffness in your neck may be indicative of a sprain. Other symptoms include muscle spasms and headaches. Even a sore throat may point to trauma in the area. Head and neck pain can be easy to ignore; however, you will be more comfortable and heal better if adequately treated by a sports orthopedic specialist.
Knee Pain
Osteoarthritis affecting the knees can interfere with your daily activities because of the pain it causes. While NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are typically prescribed to jumpstart treatment, it is important to address the inflammation. Our sports orthopedic specialist in Arizona can help with this.
If you are in need of a sports orthopedic specialist in Arizona, contact us today at Angelo Mattalino, MD in Phoenix and schedule a consultation.