Angelo Mattalino, MD proudly offers treatments with PRP in Phoenix. This is a non-surgical injection technique that can be used to treat pain stemming from injuries.
What is PRP in Phoenix?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Plasma is a component found in the blood, which contains proteins that are used to support cell growth. PRP, however, is a concentrated form of plasma that has been isolated from blood. When PRP is injected into damaged tissue, it promotes growth and healing of the tissue and cells.
Benefits and Uses of PRP
PRP in Phoenix can be used for:
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle tears and strains
- Ligament and tendon injuries
PRP in Phoenix can be injected to treat almost any area, but is most commonly used in the knee, hip, shoulder, wrist/hand, elbow, or ankle/foot. The PRP is used to repair tissue and reduce pain in these areas of the body.
How Does It Work?
PRP in Phoenix is minimally-invasive compared to surgery for the conditions listed above. The healthcare professional will draw a certain amount of blood from you, the amount depending on where the PRP will be injected, and then it will be placed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge is a machine that spins the blood around; it is used specifically to separate plasma from blood. The plasma will be prepared by the healthcare provider and then injected into the injured or affected area.
How Long Does PRP in Phoenix Take?
PRP in Phoenix is performed in the comfort of our office. The length of the treatment will depend on a number of factors.
Is It Right for You?
If you are suffering from pain because of osteoarthritis, muscle tears or strains, ligament injuries, tendon injuries, or any other acute injuries, PRP in Phoenix may be right for you. This is a safe, natural way to experience pain relief. It can be used for many injuries or conditions to promote healing and growth of tissue, promote growth of new cells, and treat pain. To set up a consultation, contact us today at Angelo Mattalino, MD in Phoenix. We look forward to speaking with you!