One of the most uncomfortable experiences you can have is feeling pain in your knees. It makes it difficult for you to walk around, kneel, squat or even do heavy-lifting when cleaning the house. If you feel pain around your knees, it might be because of a meniscus tear. If this is the case, meniscus repair surgery may be just what you need.
What is a Meniscus?
A meniscus is a C-shaped disc of soft tissue (cartilage) found in your knee joint. Each knee has two menisci. The menisci function to connect your thighbone (femur) and shinbone (tibia), providing stability to your knees and also acting as shock absorbers for your bones.
What is a Meniscus Tear?
A meniscus tear is an injury to the tissues and bones around your knee. In such a case, the cartilage in your knee is affected to the point that it cannot properly provide the cushion for the bones around your knees as it should.
What Causes a Meniscus Tear?
Your meniscus can tear because of pressure from a forced twist or direct contact on your knees during activities. Lifting heavy things can also apply more pressure on your knees, leading to the injury, or it can happen when you make sudden turns when playing an on-field game. You can also get the injury when undertaking deep squats. In such cases, you will most likely need meniscus repair surgery.
Am I at Risk of Tearing My Meniscus?
As you get older, the risks increase because the tissues and bones around your knees wear down with age. Such cases occur for people over the age of 30, where you can easily injure your knee while stepping or squatting.
If you are involved in contact sports such as football, soccer, basketball, and even tennis, you are at a higher risk of tearing your meniscus, as you make sudden turns when playing. Not only are adults in this category affected, but also children who take part in such sports. You are also at risk if you have joint disorders such as osteoarthritis, a condition where one experiences stiffness and pain in their joints.
What are the Symptoms?
We recommend that you see our doctor if you develop knee problems such as:
- Finding it difficult to fully stretch your leg or move your knee
- When you feel your knees giving way and unable to support you
- When your knee swells
- Feeling pain when the area around your knee is touched
- If you feel your knee locking
What are the Treatment Options?
The size of the tear and its location will help determine the type of treatment administered. If you are having problems around your knees, please seek professional help and feel free to visit Angelo Mattalino, MD in Tempe, AZ for an examination and advice regarding meniscus repair surgery. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started.